These eight points show you that your dog is healthy!

Daran erkennst du, ob dein Hund gesund ist

How can you tell if your dog is healthy? We all want our dog to be healthy. But how do we actually recognize it? Mostly we read and talk only about how we recognize that our dog is bad, that he is sick etc.. Of course it is important to recognize and know this. But […]

Physiotherapy for dogs – how it helps your four-legged friend

Physiotherapie beim Hund - so hilft sie älteren Hunden, bei Gelenkerkrankungen. Sporthunden etc.

Physiotherapy for dogs – this is how it works Physiotherapy in dogs is not a fashionable craze. Because more and more often dogs suffer from degenerative diseases, sports injuries and overuse injuries. In addition, there are one or the other little problem when a dog ages. This is what getting older brings with it. However, […]

martina flocken (1080 x 400 px)

Welches Training passt am besten zu dir und deinem Hund? Ich sag's dir!

Mit der kostenfreien und unverbindlichen Kurs-Beratung von Doggy Fitness erhältst du eine individuelle Kursempfehlung, perfekt abgestimmt auf dich und deinen Hund – persönlich von Martina.